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emulating firebase

pointing my bevy plugin at local emulators in preparation for tests


Bevy 0.11.0

A new Bevy update is out... plugin requires migration...

...but the migration guide is comprehensive and easy to follow!

Back to business

Now that I'm up to date, time to get back to adding features. First off, I want to get the leaderboard in the click game example up and running, and I get the feeling this will require a structured query. Excuse me while I jump back into the docs.

Implementing that was simple enough. I'm liking using the Event system for calling and responding to Firestore calls, but it's a LOT of repeated code. I'm making a mental note to see if macros can reduce some of the footprint; Tantan's video has inspired a deep dive into the world of meta-programming. But for now, there are simpler things to do.

Name Input

The click game has a set name button, but no text input. Let's add one.

Cool, that works. Let's never do that again though, egui is getting learned next time I need text input.

Emulate Everything

I've been working with a test project on Firebase whilst getting the plugin working, but running tests against a live database sounds like a terrible idea. Firebase provides emulators for a lot of the APIs I'm trying to interface with, so let's get set up with them. Firestore already works, but Auth is all live right now.

Finding Endpoints

Google's docs mention REST endpoints for the auth emulator, but only provide like four? There are a whole lot of extra endpoints I'll need to emulate to be able to test effectively.

After a bit of digging I loaded up the emulator URL in a browser, and was greeted with this:

  "authEmulator": {
    "ready": true,
    "docs": "",
    "apiSpec": "/emulator/openapi.json"

Okay, so what's in the apiSpec path of the emulator? It's the whole spec. Every endpoint, listed in JSON. Excellent. Now I can start testing. I'll add an EmulatorUrl option to the plugin like the firestore one, and try signing in. I have a feeling that starting with oAuth2 is gonna bite me here, but let's give it a go anyway.

CODE 501: The Auth Emulator only support sign-in with using id_token, not access_token. Please update your code to use id_token.

Okay, but it beats the errors I was getting before. 404 from guessing endpoints, and 400 by sending String("true") as a bool. Works in production, the emulator wants an actual JSON bool.

After switching to using id_token, I've successfully logged in to the emulator using Google oAuth!

More Signin Providers

I want to allow for the freedom of using all sign-in providers with the plugin. After some reading, it seems I'll need a separate Client Secret and Client ID for each provider. A quick rewrite of the auth plugin is in order if I am to facilitate other providers than Google. That's not to mention email/password login, and perhaps anonymous "login" for warm onboarding.

This would be a breaking change if I had released already. Luckily I haven't :P

After a whole day of refactoring, then refactoring the refactoring to make it sensible, I've come away with working Github login.

That's enough for this post I guess, as it's now a month later and I still haven't published this oooopsie! See you in the next one.