bytemunchdotdev slashblog

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dodgeball login

auth is hard


Actual Login

Okay, so I can get an OAuth2 access token. How do I use that to view and edit firebase data? I know in future I'm going to need some robust access rules, but for now I'll just allow all permissions if the user is logged in.

I'll need to create a game account on login if user does not exist.

For now I'll tidy up the endpoint request code to use an authorization header rather than adding URL params.

let mut email_res_headers = HeaderMap::new();

        &("Bearer ".to_string()
            + token_response.as_ref().unwrap().access_token().secret()),

// Access email address endpoint
let email_res = http_client(HttpRequest {
    body: vec![],
    headers: email_res_headers,
    method: Method::GET,
    url: Url::parse("").unwrap(),

I think I need to work on Rust string concatenation, that doesn't look quite right.

After poking the API for hours I've managed to convert my OAuth login to a Firebase account login.

This wouldn't compile with liquid, I don't know enough about eleventy to reason why yet. So here's a screenshot.

After running this after getting the initial OAuth token and checking my firebase authentication dashboard...

login.png Success!

Just a bit more token juggling to go and I should be able to move on. Next target is testing CRUD.

I'll set some data on firestore, and try reading it from the Rust app.

firestore_data.png Very original naming conventions here

let url = Url::parse("").unwrap();

let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();

    HeaderValue::from_str(format!("Bearer {}", token.as_str().unwrap()).as_str())

let res = http_client(HttpRequest {
    method: Method::GET,
    body: vec![],

let json = match str::from_utf8(res.unwrap().body.as_ref()) {
    Ok(v) => serde_json::from_str::<serde_json::Value>(v).unwrap(),
    Err(e) => panic!("Invalid UTF-8. {:?}", e),

let fields = match json.get("fields") {
    Some(e) => e,
    None => &Value::Null,

let field = match fields.get("test_field") {
    Some(e) => e,
    None => &Value::Null,

let value = match field.get("stringValue") {
    Some(e) => e,
    None => &Value::Null,

println!("Document: {:?}\n", json);

println!("Value: {:?}\n", value);

firestore_get.png Data retrieved!

This bit of code uses the Firebase IdToken to retrieve data from firestore, according to the firestore rules (non-authed requests error out correctly). I need to do some research into how to effectively navigate nested JSON in Rust, or maybe just write some helper functions. I haven't even looked at learning macros yet, maybe they'll help? I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Good enough for the day. Next update for this project should bring the rest of CRUD, JSON parsing, and a refactor to prepare the firestore interface for use in Bevy.

Next up: get this blog online.